While many are working from home and taking care of other responsibilities that may otherwise have been delegated, ensuring that we remain informed about the latest and most relevant updates regarding Texas’ opening and Governor Abbott’s orders can be challenging.
So to make things a bit easier, we have created a summary of the Governor’s latest updates (as of July 2) with links to the State’s websites for further details.
- Greg Abbott’s Executive Order 27 (GA-27) on June 25 (and updated on June 30).
Hospitals in Bexar, Cameron, Dallas, Harris, Hidalgo, Nueces, Travis and Webb counties are to postpone surgeries and procedures deemed not medically necessary to meet certain criteria.
Retrieved 2 July 2020
- Here is a partial overview of GA-28 dated June 26 with an amendment on July 2. See the links below for all the details!
- A. Businesses are allowed to operate at no more than 50% capacity with provisions that exclude certain organizations including religious services, local government operations, child-care services, youth camps, and recreational sports programs.
- B. There are exceptions to the 50% capacity limit include: CISA Essential Infrastructure services, outdoor areas, establishments or events. The limit does not apply to certain personal care and beauty businesses with various notations.
- C. Amusement parks may operate at no more than 50% of normal operating limitations.
- D. Outdoor gatherings in excess of ten (10) people are prohibited (other than those mentioned previously in the order) with exceptions.
- E. Restaurants that have less than 51% of gross receipts from alcoholic beverage sales may operate up to 50% of total limited occupancy of the restaurant.
- F. No one is to visit a bar or similar establishment that holds a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) permit unless it is a restaurant as defined in the order with a provision regarding drive-thru, pickup or delivery options if allowed and authorized by the TABC.
- G. No commercial rafting or tubing or certain related services are allowed.
- H. Some businesses in certain counties that meet the stated criteria may operate up to 75% capacity.
- I. Generally speaking, people are not to be in groups larger than ten (10) and are required to maintain six feet of social distancing from others not in their groups. Yes, there are exceptions.
- J. People over 65 years old are “strongly encouraged to say at home as much as possible” and follow other protocols regarding household members who have been outside the residence and other as outlined in the link below.
- K. People are not allowed to visit “nursing homes, state supported living centers, assisted living facilities, or long-term care facilities” unless . . . details below!
- L. Public schools may resume summer operations for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. There are other details including info about graduation ceremonies in the link.
Read the entire order and details mentioned above here:
Retrieved 2 July 2020
Amendment to GA-28 on July 2, 2020
Retrieved July 4, 2020
- Here are the main points in GA-29, released on July 2 regarding the wearing of masks.
“Every person in Texas shall wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when inside a commercial entity or other building or space open to the public, or when in an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household,” the order read. In addition, it specified that the face-covering requirement has exceptions.
These exceptions include persons younger than 10 years old, those with a disability or medical condition that prevents wearing a covering on the face, anyone who is eating, persons who are exercising outdoors and maintaining a safe distance from others who are not in the same household.
For the full list of exceptions, go to https://open.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/EO-GA-29-use-of-face-coverings-during-COVID-19-IMAGE-07-02-2020.pdf
Retrieved July 4, 2020
Additional resources may be found at these sites: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/execorders.aspx and https://open.texas.gov/
We hope you and your family will remain safe!
Ensley Benitez Law, PC specializes in construction law, civil litigation, business law and storm / damage restoration law. http://eblawtexas.com/
© Ensley Benitez Law, PC. All rights reserved. This article is provided for educational purposes exclusively and is not meant to be construed as legal advice. Ensley Benitez Law, PC will represent you only after being retained and an agreement is made in writing.